11 February 2014

iTunes Store: Revenue half the size of Google

According to an estimate of the revenue Asymco Apple's iTunes Store in the past year an amount of $ 23.5 billion achieved - with a growth rate of currently 34 percent. To have iTunes corresponds to about half of Google's income from the business and search engine would - suppose it were a standalone business - land on the list of the 500 largest U.S. companies ranked 130.


In detail, the 34-percent growth as follows breaks down: The strongest sales growth for the apps with an increase of 105 percent year over year. Second, the content is called third-party (plus 46.6 percent), followed by other services (37 percent) and the Pro Apps (29 percent). Declines had the opposite music downloads recorded at minus 14 percent, iWork and iLife with minus 8 percent and the sale of books with a decline of 9 percent.


Through the provision of free iWork and OS X, Apple's revenues were, however, have been lower by $ 350 million per quarter. However, Apple can claim current record profits. So iTunes is becoming an increasingly essential part in the overall balance Apples. (via )

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