05 March 2013

The iPhone 5 exceeds the sales of other smartphones also in February?

The 'iPhone 5 does not seem to enjoy the fame of his predecessors, partly because of the fierce competition now, but a recent report showed that the latest smartphone made ​​in Cupertino is on the top list of best-selling smartphone in the month of February.


T. Michael Walkley, an analyst with Genuity Conaccord, has released its estimates for sales of smartphones for the month of February and found that the iPhone 5 was the top-selling device in the United States by the three major telecom operators.


If we enter into the details of this table, we can see that AT & T, which sells more smartphones than any other U.S. operator, the iPhone 5 would have passed the Samsung Galaxy S III the Nokia Lumia 920, which remains firmly in third place.

As for the two other operators, Sprint and Verizon, the situation does not change at the top of the standings. In fact, the best selling is the latest smartphone made in Cupertino, which bypasses Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note II. A final consideration can be made ​​on T-Mobile operator who has sold more Galaxy S III, II and Galaxy Note Nexus 4.

In its note, the analyst Walkley wrote:

Although our investigations have shown seasonal sales slightly lower in February, Apple and Samsung have maintained a dominant position in the market. In line with the last few months, our analyzes have shown an increasing number of smartphones LTE driven by sales of the iPhone 5 followed by LTE versions of Galaxy SIII II and Galaxy Note.

Once again, then the smartphone Apple has conquered the primacy monthly, even when it comes to the U.S. market, going against all odds. This is certainly a fact that bodes well for investors, who are increasingly concerned about the stock market declines in the company.

Via | BGR

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