The some time ago for the first time emerged Lenovo Yoga Tablet 3 appears on a screen and reveals some new details. The Android tablet will not really change the design according to the first image. So the camera is in thick frame with the battery to rotate the first time. So Lenovo saves a second camera and can use this rotatable camera for both purposes. The Lenovo Yoga Tablet 3 is slimmed generally tidy and could in the latest generation therefore offered even cheaper. In combination with the no longer so highly customized surface performance could vote again on Android then.
The now surfaced picture of the Lenovo Yoga Tablet 3 though is not very high resolution, but you can very well see the familiar design with the wedge-shape and the little kickstand. In thick frame, where the batteries are housed, now finds himself the new camera to be able to rotate. This can therefore be used as a main camera and front camera. The exact resolution of the camera is unknown. If Lenovo but could save the second sensor, the camera could possibly have a better quality. The already emerged specifications deliver but since no exact details.
The Lenovo Yoga Tablet 3 is the middle of June already appeared in the Bluetooth SIG and has there revealed some of its technical data. Accordingly It comes with a 8-inch HD display and thus with a resolution of only 1280 x 800 pixels. The predecessor had a FHD resolution to offer. Even when processor has been slimmed down to the Snapdragon 210 with 1.1 GHz per core. Thus the possibility is ruled out, a version with Windows 10 extradite, as it was not made at the Lenovo Yoga Tablet 2. With this equipment, the price should of course be quite low. After coming directly Android 5.1.1 Lollipop used, hopefully with the barely fitted surface, which was introduced some time ago.
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