28 November 2013

Why do not we have Both? - New GeeksPhone runs on Android OS or Firefox

With the GeeksPhone Revolution, the Spanish manufacturer announces a hybrid smartphone to run on the Android OS and Firefox. Do not give it, however the announced Firefox OS smartphone Peak

clip_image002Firefox OS and Android: Both operating systems to run on the GeeksPhone revolution. (Picture: GeeksPhone)

Firefox OS smartphones: GeeksPhone revolution is coming, not peak +, however,

With Keon and peak GeeksPhone has two Firefox OS smartphones manufactured and sold to developers. The Peak + should be the thrust of the company in the Retail Banking. But it is nothing like the company was now known. The basic difficulties are called with the suppliers. Buyers who had already pre-ordered one of the devices can either get their money back, order a peak and get refunded the difference or order the planned GeeksPhone revolution for the same price.

The GeeksPhone revolution to make his name in so far as honor, as it is a multi-OS device. The smartphone should therefore be able to Android or Firefox OS to potter. However, whether both operating systems can be installed in parallel, and users can switch back and forth with a reboot, is currently unknown. From the user point of view the most exciting kind such boot option would, however, probably implement such a concept.

GeeksPhone revolution supports Android and Firefox OS

According to company information, it should be at the GeeksPhone revolution to a smartphone in the upper class. As for the release of the smartphone, the manufacturer considers reasonably covered and refers only to an "early" date.GeeksPhone co-founder Javier Agüera is sure with the revolution many people to surprise positively. Among the reasons he cites the high performance and the competitive price of the planned smartphones.

He did not name the purchase price, however. However, all those who have pre-ordered a Peak +, get a GeeksPhone revolution at the same price of just 150 euros plus shipping and taxes. According to the GeeksPhone concerned for the customers would amount to a discount of almost 50 percent to the revolution.Therefore, the regular price for the smartphone would probably be around 300 euros plus taxes and shipping. Who has a peak + soon, find here all the necessary information to change the order or cancel. For the GeeksPhone revolution so far there is only one little meaningful placeholder website.

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