06 February 2013

BOINC computing for science

The software platform BOINC , Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing, is a client-based software solution for the calculation of highly complex, complicated arithmetic operations through the merger of all the connected computers via the Internet. The aim is to implement compute-intensive large-scale projects by the use of unused processor capacity.


BOINC Project Einstein @ Home

Voluntary participants who want to make the platform available to its computing power, this is install a client on your computer. Then they can choose themselves which projects they want to use their processors. These are addressed by BOINC only when the user is not for other tasks to complete, they are inactive or idle. Work packages are installed between the client and the specific project server automatically exchanged, provided a permanent internet connection for data transmission is available. Meanwhile BOINC is available for almost all operating systems. For several years, not just the individual CPUs are utilized GPUs are also suitable for use in such projects.

Possibilities for the use of BOINC

Through the use of distributed computing (distributed computing) from around the world allows BOING the union of many CPUs and GPUs into a supercomputer.


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Since BOINC provides a voluntary and unpaid participation of users in the program mainly projects are included, which are of great benefit to the community and bring a scientific background with it. Clients are usually universities and with projects in the areas of medical research facilities, astrophysics, astronomy, and biology, which itself does not have the necessary computing power. Home users also can bring their projects to BOINC. When credible communication of their honorable intentions and they are supported by the connected users.

Current Projects

The project SETI @ home , which was initiated by the University of California at Berkeley, developed the basic idea of BOINC. The original platform was launched in 1999 and converted in 2004 to BOINC. The project serves the search for extraterrestrial life by the systematic search for radio signals that are neither natural origin. Since 1999, 2.3 million CPU hours were invested in the calculations. Factual evidence of extraterrestrial life have been brought here yet. The project is an average of 250 000 active CPUs still active.

Since 2005, the astronomical project Einstein @ Home of the University of Wisconsin in full swing. It is the study of binary radio pulsars and the detection of gravitational waves, which, according to Einstein's relativity theory is able to deform the space-time. In January 2013, the date incorporated into the price of the project performance has exceeded the petaflop barrier. Using BOINC already have nearly 50 pulsars will be found.

Serving the Astro computer science and computer science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute pursuing the project Milkyway @ home . Obtained by processing electronic detector data from the international community SDSS project is an accurate three-dimensional computer model of the Milky Way can be created.

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is concerned with the prediction of protein structures and uses BOINC using POEM @ home (protein with energy optimization methods) for analysis and optimization of protein structures. This gives researchers the breakthrough results of the mechanisms of protein interaction and understanding of the processes involved in protein dysfunction and the associated diseases.

The Israeli Institute of Technology, the project Superlink @ Technion launched. Using genetic linkage analysis to be found in genes that are responsible for the outbreak of serious diseases, and analyzes. In the long term, this project serves the cure for genetic diseases such as diabetes, cancer or schizophrenia.

Benefits for all parties

By using BOING arise both for the clients as well as for the user benefits. Universities, institutions and other organizations can realize projects which would be unable to cope with their own capabilities and resources. Thus, research and development, at least in terms of data calculation no limits and also creative, eccentric and visionary approaches can be pursued. Parallel computations of different approaches facilitate the early detection of differences and lead to faster problem resolution or restructuring. Even if the participants off their computers at night, due to the global calculation, a constant progression of progress is possible.

Users, who contribute computing power to support, through their donation for contracting authorities and make a valuable contribution to the advancement of science. Since only unused PC performance for calculating the BOING projects is exhausted, which the user should not suffer a financial loss and it still makes for a higher energy efficiency of their PC. Absurdly energy consumption at idle the PC is supplied by the use of BOING to good use. Sun BOINC provides not only long for startling insights and valuable research, but also a good feeling for the user, in achieving the results have been there.

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