03 February 2013

Mac OS X bug "file :/ / /" crashes virtually any application

A rather silly bug plaguing Mac OS X 10.8 (Lion Mountain): A special phrase can pretty much every program with input field in the GUI or base grease on Cocoa.

Generally Macs benefit so significantly from the * NIX root, matching the hardware operating system and the advantages of both worlds: user friendly than Linux slim (especially in relation to the driver situation) and in the long term compared to the wolverine with the DLL Hell and the flag.

Do not get me wrong, I know several Linux distributions and Windows 7 & 8 to appreciate their strengths and would Windows for gaming purposes (still not) want to miss. Windows has nevertheless it creates even when largely disabled system services and third-party processes that require registry of cleaned regularly and the appropriate use of an SSD, effectively slowing the long term and to reinstall. Even if it is compared to previous versions become much better: Performance Sense on Windows, in my view inevitable, if now and then applications will be used and / or installed.


Such a silly bug but I have since the Nuke tools on Windows XP (or all of bugs that have been played by Windows ME) not seen: If you file :/ / / (! three slashes, large F) in a eingebt any text box on your Mountain Lion Mac crashes the respective application from almost certain.

The rest of the operating system has remained unaffected, it does not so the kernel panic. Here again himself in great destroyer of entire worlds and the Emperor String darkness:

File :/ / /

In return, the bug can be in quite a few applications that replicate including Spotlight, and trigger both via manual input, and via copy and paste. Firefox is interested in the way precious little for the bug, however Safari reacts quite allergic to it. Even apps like Things or TextEdit did not get along with the precarious string.

An alternative is, incidentally, only two instead of three slashes and enter any string hangs, such as:

File :/ / weblogit

I suspect a connection with the way in which text is rendered or displayed and the bug that affects ledliglich Mountain Lion. According to comments on the net, it is probably to Cocoa text fields, which produce the crash. Applications such as Sublime Text (and many others, the text can represent something different and exotic formats) are in fact immune to the bug. Particularly amusing: The bug crashes and the bug-reporting tool if you want to describe the error in it.

Because of the relative improbability of life impairment - at least there's not a situation that requires this string more than a misspelling - the bug is likely to be regarded as a harmless curiosity. Spotlight and the Finder restart, moreover all alone again, you should enter the string there.


In this way can avoid the bug.

So have fun when annoyed by friends and colleagues, please shoot it from but no unsaved dissertations or novels, otherwise you could get into serious trouble. Incidentally, you can send a iMessage or an email with the content, in many cases, this also leads to a crash of the respective app. Anyone looking for a workaround for the bug, there it already: It is sufficient only, both hooks in Language & Text in Systemeinstellugnen on the tab to remove text. Apparently it is not only with Cocoa together alone, but also with the replacement text and spelling correction of Mountain Lion.

According to the bug tracker radar Open the bug also exists in the latest beta of Mac OS X 10.8.3 continue. Who enters a bug report with the phrase, risks also that his console abschmiert every time you open, until he. His / var / log / system.log or above adjusted to make settings We can replicate the bug on 10.8.2 and 10.8.0.

via 9to5mac , Open Radar

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