13 February 2013

OUYA games: list with several hundred games published

We have received a new impetus to information OUYA console that is already be available in a few weeks.

The makers of OUYA console have now added to the official forums a huge list out, should provide information about the games. The list includes more than 100 games and below are games such as Air Hockey 3D, Battle of the Gods, Monsters bits Flux, Black Jack: Empire Rise, Boberman Free, Forced, From Space, Gemini, and many many more.

The official forums of the list you can also find more information on the individual games get. The list can you find yourself in this post look .

News at the date of the console Ouya

The new Android-based game console Ouya is next March to be launched. In some countries, you can already pre-order the new game console, at a price that moves at around U.S. $ 100 (about 85 €).

In the States, for example, the console is already available at Amazon.com, GameStop and Target for preorder. In Germany, we can probably expect in the coming weeks with a purchase option through retail or Amazon.de. The price should move in a similar range between 80 € to 100 €. Update via Liliputing.com


Advisory Ouya console:

We can introduce you a new game console, which has been developed as a Kickstarter project and was thus possible for many sponsors. These are the new Ouya game console, which is planned as an interesting project.

The makers need to pull originally almost one million dollars to the project and now the platform could kickstart an amount of more than U.S. $ 2.5 million will be generated, which can be realized, of course, a lot. The Ouya game console should appear as an alternative to the normal game consoles commercially and there is a not very common operating system used, namely Android 4.0 "Ice Cream Sandwich" is it was actually designed more for smartphones and tablet PCs.

In addition there will be the Nvidia Tegra 3 quad-core platform, 1GB of RAM, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi for data exchange and USB / HDMI as interfaces. For the control, there will be a specially designed gamepad with analog stick and D-pad, and other keys to control. The best part of the new game console, however, is the price that should be at no more than 100 € for the launch. Can be played including the games that you can get the Android Marketplace. But developers will also have the opportunity to adapt their games specifically for the platform.

OUYA console release date and price announced

How colleagues of AndroidNext.de have reported the new OUYA console will go to next March 2013 in Europe at the start, so you will get to buy the new Android console in Germany.

At the price of $ 99 (about 75 €) is currently nothing has changed. It will follow this year also has a second version that can play 3D content, among other things, provided her a 3D TV and 3D glasses possesses. From when the improved version will however appear exactly is not yet known. (Update 08/01/2013 - AndroidNext.de )

OUYA Android console with new videos surfaced on the net

The new game console "OUYA" which is equipped with the Android operating system and is suitable for games of Google Play, now new videos have surfaced on the net. The new video shows, among other things, the development platform or also refer to the development version of the console that you can program, among other apps and games. What is included and how the whole looks like, you can watch with the accompanying videos. (Update 07.01.2013)

OUYA console - First Unboxing surfaced

Engadget.com has now unveiled the first unboxing video for OUYA game console, which could even be known by donations from Kickstarter.com in the first place come to life. The video where unpacked the console and starts for the first time, you will find directly below these few lines of text. (Update 28/12/2012)

OUYA Android game console - The first ten games with trailers

Dany SmartDroid.de has gone to the trouble and asked the first ten games of the new Android-based game console OUYA together. The new console is already in April or May of 2013 at the start and the market launch, there will be at least ten games, where we are more likely with 50-100 games.

The initial games include titles like Fist of Awesome, MechKnight Chronicles, Syder Arcade, KidElectro and more. The first trailer for the individual games you can with you look SmartDroid.de .

Developer version for U.S. $ 800 available

Now that we have already discussed in our last update on the Jelly Bean Android operating system, which will be at least version 4.1 or even 4.2 is available, we have some news for developers of apps and games ready.

Who wants to develop a few games or apps for the new console, which can order now for $ 800 (about € 629), the development version. The developer version comes with two controllers with it, as well as access to the ODK, behind which hides the tools to create games and applications. Back in January, the first devices to go out. (Update 08/11/2012 - AndroidCentral )

Android Jelly Bean and Co: On 16 July 2012 we were able to present to you the last time of the game console Ouya information and news. It was now time to stop one of the coolest Kickstarter projects ever and now we have new information. How AndroidGuys.com has reported, the new console with the Android 4.1 or even Android 4.2 Jelly Bean operating system be equipped to market. In addition, it has released another photo to the main board, which is to come into the console for use.

For more news and information, you can also directly on the Kickstarter site obtained for the console.

The technical data / specifications / data sheet of Ouya game console:

  • Jelly Bean Android 4.1 or 4.2 OS
  • Nvidia Tegra 3 quad-core processor
  • 1GB of RAM
  • Bluetooth
  • WLAN
  • Interfaces: USB, HDMI
  • Gamepad with analog sticks, D-pad and buttons
  • Price: less than 100 €
  • Games on the Android Marketplace

Photos and Videos of Ouya game console:



Source: Golem.de

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