10 February 2013

Proliferation of Android Ice Cream Sandwich is declining, Jelly Bean is catching

As might be expected, is the somewhat older Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich out of the house Google declined. The successor, the new Android Jelly Bean is so in advance and will gradually become of users. Meanwhile, 13.6 percent of all Android devices are equipped with Jelly Bean.

Therefore the update speed of Jelly Bean is slightly faster than Ice Cream Sandwich. The predecessor of the current version that is able to achieve only after 5 months good 10.9 percent. Although Cream Sandwich, as might be expected, is slowly falling, run at least 43 percent of all Android devices with the last two versions. The quite old Android 2.3 Gingerbread, with a share of 45.7 percent but still the most popular Android system.

Source: statista.com

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