11 February 2013

Apple earns more than a billion dollars to keep Google as the default search engine on iOS

Apple and Google are two companies recently in opposition to one another, but their agreements provide for both of them to take advantage of the platforms while others generate huge profits. We see with the agreements that exist between the two companies.


A report by Morgan Stanley titled "The Next Google is Google," the analyst Scott Devitt has estimated that Google pays a figure of around one billion dollars to ensure the presence of Google Search as your default search engine on Mobile Safari for iOS devices.

A similar agreement, according to the analyst, it would be beneficial to both companies, both Google and Apple, despite their proven conflict. The figure of one billion a year is certainly not strategic, or extremely important to Apple, which only last quarter totaled 13 billion dollars in profit (over 50 sales), but represent income guaranteed without any effort realization.

Google, by contrast, has scored less than 3 billion in the last quarter, but about 80% of its revenue derived from mobile platforms from 2008 to 2011, are due exclusively to iOS devices from Apple.


The same estimate shows that Google pays about $ 300 million to Mozilla to ensure the presence of Google Search as your default engine in its Firefox browser.

Therefore, the conflict between Apple and Google is really? Maybe yes, but only where there is a pragmatic convenience, otherwise magically become great friends!

Via | AppleInsider

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