11 February 2013

HTC One: Name of the new flagship of file confirmed


Having already recently on Twitter @ evleaks announced that the HTC HTC M7 One will come on the market, many were first irritated by the information. @ Evleaks vergangerner was in time with the information always right and now the official name of HTC Sogut M7 seems to be confirmed. In a user agent profile name of the HTC HTC is one that is confirmed.
On 19 February will introduce HTC's new high-end flagship officially in New York and London. About the HTC One is known so far that it will have a 4.7-inch full-HD display Solux, a powerful 1.7 GHz Snapdragon S4 Pro quad-core processor, 2 GB of RAM and a 4.3 pixel camera Ultra. Moreover, even Android 4.2 Jelly Bean is preloaded with the new Sense 5.0 user interface.


Just like the HTC or HTC M7 One is hyped in the rumor mill, we can apparently expect large. But for now we are waiting on the presentation and the first impressions of the device.


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