09 December 2013

Google Nexus 5 - soon Awakened: Apple, Google and others vs. NSA - Why the action of the IT companies is leading the way

IT companies such as Microsoft, Google and others have published an open letter, which calls for a reform of Internet surveillance. Critics deride the action. Andreas Weck says, however: it is an important sign - without business, we can hardly put pressure on the security forces in the area.

"If something changes. It is enough! "- IT companies fulminate against internet monitoring of NSA and Co


U.S. businesses are demanding reform of Internet monitoring

Eight U.S. companies ask in a public letter to the U.S. government to bring about a reform of Internet surveillance. We are talking about Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Apple, LinkedIn, Twitter, and AOL. This seems paradoxical to many people, as you can each of the IT giants insinuate complicity. Critics of the action feel rightly so, that it is their collected data that make up a hefty slice of the pie, to destroy the floppy hats all around NSA and GCHQ every day. As simple as one should not judge, because not every company has become willingly complicit. Some have seriously tried to fight back.

After all what have read in the past few months interested, there were companies that quite participates from its own pieces out on the structure of Internet surveillance and the interfaces have placed on loopholes in the data lines - Vodafone, for example, as a candidate who apparently love celebrated on the first glance with the British intelligence agency GCHQ. Other players like Yahoo were there already passive: As part of the PRISM program, the quasi-live monitoring of users allows the net, gave IT giants their data out first after the U.S. NSA them using a court order to forced.

And also in terms of transparency, the signatories have gotten put a stop to. Not only that, they were forced to clear the path to the server, they were condemned to silence: "No word on the outside!" What it is, however, to turn against the state power and divulge the secret operations that we see, not least to whistleblower Edward Snowden. The U.S. government is not exactly squeamish with their branded "traitors" to. I am sure that the Snowden-Leaks has coincided with a liberating effect on one or the other IT giants.

The economy is an important partner to the surveillance mania

Since the announcement of the surveillance scandal Google, Apple and Co. can now open deal with the actions of the NSA on one side. On the other hand, they also fear for their business. But what currently weighs heavier? What is the real motivation to take on more active against the spies? It is certain that a crisis of confidence among the user community prevails. It is certain also that the IT companies have to regain that trust. A self-interest on the action is therefore not to be dismissed out of hand, yet it is also for us users is an important sign. Without the economy, we are hardly in a position to exert pressure on the security forces. We should criticize the action less than to support them.

According to the Guardian  , the open call is the largest concerted action by the affected industry against floppy hats. Let us work together to ensure that it does not remain the last action.

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